Reading 5

Eric Malone Reading 5
Research and Cold Calling.

Employers expect you to know a bit about them and what they do well before the interview process. Researching early on allows you to target the employers that best suit your skills. This also allows you to customize your cover letter, resume and portfolio to be more appropriate for their business. 
It is important to not really only on jobs posted through online classifieds. It is a tendency of most to just send they’re resume and portfolio to those who are soliciting help.
Try getting an internship in a field you are interested even if one is not being offered. Many organization would welcome some payed/unpaid help in exchange for offering experience.

Cold calling can be intimidating but becomes less difficult with experience. Cold calling shows that you are the type of person who is willing to take initiative and is confident in who they are and what they do. 

Student exhibitions and competitions are a great way to get your name out there. They also give you a unique way of networking that allows you to meet a diverse group of people. These events are generally inexpensive and may put you on the radar of employers you wouldn't otherwise come into contact with.